Tutorial: Building a Domain

Tutorials (v1) > Building a Domain > Part 5

Reward Functions and Terminal Functions

Now that you've created a world, you'll want to define tasks for the world so that you can run planning and learning algorithms on it. Tasks in BURLAP are typically defined with RewardFunction and TerminalFunction implementations. The former specifies the reward received by the agent for transition tuples (previous state, action taken, resulting state); the later specifies which states are terminal states that cause all further action to cease. While we won't be using any planning or learning algorithms in this tutorial, we will briefly cover how to create your own reward functions and terminal state functions so that you can run planning and learning algorithms on your domain.

Before you make your own RewardFunction and TerminalFunction, it is sometimes worth checking to see if BURLAP already has an implementation that you can use. For example, many different problems use a reward function that returns -1 everywhere. For problems like these, you can use the UniformCostRF object. If your domain is continuing (i.e., non-terminating), then you can use the NullTermination object. It also not uncommon to have a goal condition that is satisfied whenever any object grounding of a propositional function returns true. In our grid world, for example, if we let location objects indicate goal locations, we might want a terminal function that returns true for any state in which the agent is at a location. In such a case you can use the SinglePFTF TerminalFunction and point it to the atLocation propositional function.

If none of the existing RewardFunction or TerminalFunction objects in BURLAP suit your needs, you can always create your own. For example, suppose we wanted a reward function that returned -1 everywhere, except when the agent reached designated (x, y) position at which point it returned a reward of +100. We can implement such a reward function as shown below.

public static class ExampleRF implements RewardFunction{

	int goalX;
	int goalY;
	public ExampleRF(int goalX, int goalY){
		this.goalX = goalX;
		this.goalY = goalY;
	public double reward(State s, GroundedAction a, State sprime) {
		//get location of agent in next state
		ObjectInstance agent = sprime.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
		int ax = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
		int ay = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
		//are they at goal location?
		if(ax == this.goalX && ay == this.goalY){
			return 100.;
		return -1;

Notice that when we get the agent position, we get it from the "sprime" variable? That's because parameter "s" represents the previous state, "a" represents the action the agent took in the previous state, and "sprime" represents the state the agent ended up in as a result. Since we want to return +100 when the agent reaches our goal location, we care about where the agent ended up, which is held in sprime.

If we wanted to make a similar TerminalFunction that marked our goal state as a terminal state, we would do so with the similar below code.

public static class ExampleTF implements TerminalFunction{

	int goalX;
	int goalY;
	public ExampleTF(int goalX, int goalY){
		this.goalX = goalX;
		this.goalY = goalY;
	public boolean isTerminal(State s) {
		//get location of agent in next state
		ObjectInstance agent = s.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
		int ax = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
		int ay = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
		//are they at goal location?
		if(ax == this.goalX && ay == this.goalY){
			return true;
		return false;

And that is all there is to defining reward functions and terminal states!


In this tutorial we showed you how to create a domain, visualize it, interact with it, and how to define tasks for it. With a domain and task in hand you're now ready to use the planning and learning algorithms in BURLAP on it, which you will learn about in the next tutorial. Although we showed you how to create a grid world domain in this tutorial, if you do want to run experiments on a grid world, we highly recommend that you use the GridWorldDomain already in BURLAP. It will support many more features than we covered in this tutorial including 1 dimensional walls, location types, and more flexible transition dynamics.

Final Code

For reference, you can find all of the code we wrote below.

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import burlap.oomdp.auxiliary.DomainGenerator;
import burlap.oomdp.core.Attribute;
import burlap.oomdp.core.Attribute.AttributeType;
import burlap.oomdp.core.Domain;
import burlap.oomdp.core.ObjectClass;
import burlap.oomdp.core.ObjectInstance;
import burlap.oomdp.core.PropositionalFunction;
import burlap.oomdp.core.State;
import burlap.oomdp.core.TerminalFunction;
import burlap.oomdp.core.TransitionProbability;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.Action;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.GroundedAction;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.RewardFunction;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.SADomain;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.explorer.TerminalExplorer;
import burlap.oomdp.singleagent.explorer.VisualExplorer;
import burlap.oomdp.visualizer.ObjectPainter;
import burlap.oomdp.visualizer.StateRenderLayer;
import burlap.oomdp.visualizer.StaticPainter;
import burlap.oomdp.visualizer.Visualizer;

public class ExampleGridWorld implements DomainGenerator {

	public static final String ATTX = "x";
	public static final String ATTY = "y";
	public static final String CLASSAGENT = "agent";
	public static final String CLASSLOCATION = "location";
	public static final String ACTIONNORTH = "north";
	public static final String ACTIONSOUTH = "south";
	public static final String ACTIONEAST = "east";
	public static final String ACTIONWEST = "west";
	public static final String PFAT = "at";
	//ordered so first dimension is x
	protected int [][] map = new int[][]{
	public Domain generateDomain() {
		SADomain domain = new SADomain();
		Attribute xatt = new Attribute(domain, ATTX, AttributeType.INT);
		xatt.setLims(0, 10);
		Attribute yatt = new Attribute(domain, ATTY, AttributeType.INT);
		yatt.setLims(0, 10);
		ObjectClass agentClass = new ObjectClass(domain, CLASSAGENT);
		ObjectClass locationClass = new ObjectClass(domain, CLASSLOCATION);
		new Movement(ACTIONNORTH, domain, 0);
		new Movement(ACTIONSOUTH, domain, 1);
		new Movement(ACTIONEAST, domain, 2);
		new Movement(ACTIONWEST, domain, 3);
		new AtLocation(domain);
		return domain;
	public static State getExampleState(Domain domain){
		State s = new State();
		ObjectInstance agent = new ObjectInstance(domain.getObjectClass(CLASSAGENT), "agent0");
		agent.setValue(ATTX, 0);
		agent.setValue(ATTY, 0);
		ObjectInstance location = new ObjectInstance(domain.getObjectClass(CLASSLOCATION), "location0");
		location.setValue(ATTX, 10);
		location.setValue(ATTY, 10);
		return s;
	public StateRenderLayer getStateRenderLayer(){
		StateRenderLayer rl = new StateRenderLayer();
		rl.addStaticPainter(new WallPainter());
		rl.addObjectClassPainter(CLASSLOCATION, new LocationPainter());
		rl.addObjectClassPainter(CLASSAGENT, new AgentPainter());
		return rl;
	public Visualizer getVisualizer(){
		return new Visualizer(this.getStateRenderLayer());
	protected class Movement extends Action{

		//0: north; 1: south; 2:east; 3: west
		protected double [] directionProbs = new double[4];
		public Movement(String actionName, Domain domain, int direction){
			super(actionName, domain, "");
			for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
				if(i == direction){
					directionProbs[i] = 0.8;
					directionProbs[i] = 0.2/3.;
		protected State performActionHelper(State s, String[] params) {
			//get agent and current position
			ObjectInstance agent = s.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
			int curX = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int curY = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			//sample directon with random roll
			double r = Math.random();
			double sumProb = 0.;
			int dir = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < this.directionProbs.length; i++){
				sumProb += this.directionProbs[i];
				if(r < sumProb){
					dir = i;
					break; //found direction
			//get resulting position
			int [] newPos = this.moveResult(curX, curY, dir);
			//set the new position
			agent.setValue(ATTX, newPos[0]);
			agent.setValue(ATTY, newPos[1]);
			//return the state we just modified
			return s;
		public List<TransitionProbability> getTransitions(State s, String [] params){
			//get agent and current position
			ObjectInstance agent = s.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
			int curX = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int curY = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			List<TransitionProbability> tps = new ArrayList<TransitionProbability>(4);
			TransitionProbability noChangeTransition = null;
			for(int i = 0; i < this.directionProbs.length; i++){
				int [] newPos = this.moveResult(curX, curY, i);
				if(newPos[0] != curX || newPos[1] != curY){
					//new possible outcome
					State ns = s.copy();
					ObjectInstance nagent = ns.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
					nagent.setValue(ATTX, newPos[0]);
					nagent.setValue(ATTY, newPos[1]);
					//create transition probability object and add to our list of outcomes
					tps.add(new TransitionProbability(ns, this.directionProbs[i]));
					//this direction didn't lead anywhere new
					//if there are existing possible directions
					//that wouldn't lead anywhere, aggregate with them
					if(noChangeTransition != null){
						noChangeTransition.p += this.directionProbs[i];
						//otherwise create this new state and transition
						noChangeTransition = new TransitionProbability(s.copy(),
			return tps;
		protected int [] moveResult(int curX, int curY, int direction){
			//first get change in x and y from direction using 0: north; 1: south; 2:east; 3: west
			int xdelta = 0;
			int ydelta = 0;
			if(direction == 0){
				ydelta = 1;
			else if(direction == 1){
				ydelta = -1;
			else if(direction == 2){
				xdelta = 1;
				xdelta = -1;
			int nx = curX + xdelta;
			int ny = curY + ydelta;
			int width = ExampleGridWorld.this.map.length;
			int height = ExampleGridWorld.this.map[0].length;
			//make sure new position is valid (not a wall or off bounds)
			if(nx < 0 || nx >= width || ny < 0 || ny >= height ||  
				ExampleGridWorld.this.map[nx][ny] == 1){
				nx = curX;
				ny = curY;
			return new int[]{nx,ny};
	protected class AtLocation extends PropositionalFunction{

		public AtLocation(Domain domain){
			super(PFAT, domain, new String []{CLASSAGENT,CLASSLOCATION});
		public boolean isTrue(State s, String[] params) {
			ObjectInstance agent = s.getObject(params[0]);
			ObjectInstance location = s.getObject(params[1]);
			int ax = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ay = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			int lx = location.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ly = location.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			return ax == lx && ay == ly;
	public class WallPainter implements StaticPainter{

		public void paint(Graphics2D g2, State s, float cWidth, float cHeight) {
			//walls will be filled in black
			//set up floats for the width and height of our domain
			float fWidth = ExampleGridWorld.this.map.length;
			float fHeight = ExampleGridWorld.this.map[0].length;
			//determine the width of a single cell 
			//on our canvas such that the whole map can be painted
			float width = cWidth / fWidth;
			float height = cHeight / fHeight;
			//pass through each cell of our map and if it's a wall, paint a black rectangle on our 
			//cavas of dimension widthxheight
			for(int i = 0; i < ExampleGridWorld.this.map.length; i++){
				for(int j = 0; j < ExampleGridWorld.this.map[0].length; j++){
					//is there a wall here?
					if(ExampleGridWorld.this.map[i][j] == 1){
						//left coordinate of cell on our canvas
						float rx = i*width;
						//top coordinate of cell on our canvas
						//coordinate system adjustment because the java canvas
						//origin is in the top left instead of the bottom right
						float ry = cHeight - height - j*height;
						//paint the rectangle
						g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Float(rx, ry, width, height));

	public class AgentPainter implements ObjectPainter{

		public void paintObject(Graphics2D g2, State s, ObjectInstance ob,
				float cWidth, float cHeight) {
			//agent will be filled in gray
			//set up floats for the width and height of our domain
			float fWidth = ExampleGridWorld.this.map.length;
			float fHeight = ExampleGridWorld.this.map[0].length;
			//determine the width of a single cell on our canvas 
			//such that the whole map can be painted
			float width = cWidth / fWidth;
			float height = cHeight / fHeight;
			int ax = ob.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ay = ob.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			//left coordinate of cell on our canvas
			float rx = ax*width;
			//top coordinate of cell on our canvas
			//coordinate system adjustment because the java canvas 
			//origin is in the top left instead of the bottom right
			float ry = cHeight - height - ay*height;
			//paint the rectangle
			g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Float(rx, ry, width, height));
	public class LocationPainter implements ObjectPainter{

		public void paintObject(Graphics2D g2, State s, ObjectInstance ob,
				float cWidth, float cHeight) {
			//agent will be filled in blue
			//set up floats for the width and height of our domain
			float fWidth = ExampleGridWorld.this.map.length;
			float fHeight = ExampleGridWorld.this.map[0].length;
			//determine the width of a single cell on our canvas 
			//such that the whole map can be painted
			float width = cWidth / fWidth;
			float height = cHeight / fHeight;
			int ax = ob.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ay = ob.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			//left coordinate of cell on our canvas
			float rx = ax*width;
			//top coordinate of cell on our canvas
			//coordinate system adjustment because the java canvas 
			//origin is in the top left instead of the bottom right
			float ry = cHeight - height - ay*height;
			//paint the rectangle
			g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Float(rx, ry, width, height));
	public static class ExampleRF implements RewardFunction{

		int goalX;
		int goalY;
		public ExampleRF(int goalX, int goalY){
			this.goalX = goalX;
			this.goalY = goalY;
		public double reward(State s, GroundedAction a, State sprime) {
			//get location of agent in next state
			ObjectInstance agent = sprime.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
			int ax = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ay = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			//are they at goal location?
			if(ax == this.goalX && ay == this.goalY){
				return 100.;
			return -1;
	public static class ExampleTF implements TerminalFunction{

		int goalX;
		int goalY;
		public ExampleTF(int goalX, int goalY){
			this.goalX = goalX;
			this.goalY = goalY;
		public boolean isTerminal(State s) {
			//get location of agent in next state
			ObjectInstance agent = s.getFirstObjectOfClass(CLASSAGENT);
			int ax = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTX);
			int ay = agent.getDiscValForAttribute(ATTY);
			//are they at goal location?
			if(ax == this.goalX && ay == this.goalY){
				return true;
			return false;
	public static void main(String [] args){
		ExampleGridWorld gen = new ExampleGridWorld();
		Domain domain = gen.generateDomain();
		State initialState = ExampleGridWorld.getExampleState(domain);
		//TerminalExplorer exp = new TerminalExplorer(domain);
		Visualizer v = gen.getVisualizer();
		VisualExplorer exp = new VisualExplorer(domain, v, initialState);
		exp.addKeyAction("w", ACTIONNORTH);
		exp.addKeyAction("s", ACTIONSOUTH);
		exp.addKeyAction("d", ACTIONEAST);
		exp.addKeyAction("a", ACTIONWEST);
