- ja - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.JAQValue
- ja - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming.JointActionTransitions
- ja - Variable in class burlap.shell.command.world.JointActionCommand
- jam - Variable in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.SGDomain
The joint action model of the domain
- JAQValue - Class in burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming
Class for storing Q-value informartion for a joint action.
- JAQValue(State, JointAction, double) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.JAQValue
- join(SGAgent) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Causes the provided agent to join the world
- jointAction(int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.GameEpisode
Returns the joint action taken in time step t where t=0 refers to the joint action taken in the initial state.
- JointAction - Class in burlap.mdp.stochasticgames
This class specifies which action each agent took in a world, where agents are identified by their player number;
that is, the order of the actions determines who selected what.
- JointAction() - Constructor for class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.JointAction
- JointAction(List<Action>) - Constructor for class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.JointAction
Adds all
objects in a list to this joint action.
- JointActionCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.world
- JointActionCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.world.JointActionCommand
- jointActionProbabilities(double[], double[]) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.GeneralBimatrixSolverTools
Computes the joint action probabilities accroding to each player's strategy and returns it as a matrix.
- jointActions - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.GameEpisode
The sequence of joint actions
- JointActionTransitions(State, JointAction) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming.JointActionTransitions
Generates the transition information for the given state and joint aciton
- jointIndex(int, int, int) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.CorrelatedEquilibriumSolver
Returns the 1D array index for a given row and column of a matrix with the given number of columns.
- jointModel - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.madp.MADPPlannerFactory.MAVIPlannerFactory
The joint action model to use in planning.
- jointModel - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming
The joint action model to use in planning.
- JointModel - Interface in burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model
The interface and comment mechanisms for defining
a stochastic game's state transition dynamics.
- JointPolicy - Class in burlap.behavior.stochasticgames
An abstract Policy object for defining a stochastic games joint policy; that is, a policy over joint actions taken by all agents in the world.
- JointPolicy() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.JointPolicy
- jointPolicy - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.PolicyFromJointPolicy
The underlying joint policy from which actions are selected.
- jointReward(int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.GameEpisode
Returns the joint reward received in time step t.
- jointRewardFunction - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.madp.MADPPlannerFactory.MAVIPlannerFactory
The joint reward function
- jointRewardFunction - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming
The joint reward function
- JointRewardFunction - Interface in burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model
This interface defines the method needed to return the reward received by each agent.
- jointRewardFunction - Variable in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
- jointRewardFunctionModel - Variable in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.tournament.common.ConstantWorldGenerator
- jointRewards - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.GameEpisode
The sequence of joint rewards
- jrs - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming.JointActionTransitions
- jumpSize - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteModel
- jumpSpeed - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteModel