- r - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData.SARS
The resulting reward received
- r - Variable in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.EnvironmentOutcome
The reward received
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.sparse.tilecoding.TileCodingFeatures
A random object for jittering the tile alignments.
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.policy.EpsilonGreedy
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.policy.GreedyQPolicy
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.policy.RandomPolicy
The random factory used to randomly select actions.
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MultipleIntentionsMLIRL
A random object used for initializing each cluster's RF parameters randomly.
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
A random object for random walks
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.montecarlo.uct.UCT
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.twoplayer.singlestage.equilibriumplayer.EquilibriumPlayingSGAgent
Random generator for selecting actions according to the solved solution
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.policies.EGreedyJointPolicy
A random object used for sampling
- rand - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.policies.EGreedyMaxWellfare
A random object used for sampling
- rand - Variable in class burlap.datastructures.BoltzmannDistribution
The random object to use for sampling.
- rand - Variable in class burlap.datastructures.StochasticTree
A random object used for sampling.
- rand - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphDefinedDomain.GraphActionType
Random object for sampling the stochastic graph transitions
- rand - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphDefinedDomain.GraphStateModel
- rand - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldDomain.GridWorldModel
- RandomFactory - Class in burlap.debugtools
Random factory that allows you to logically group various random generators.
- RandomFactory() - Constructor for class burlap.debugtools.RandomFactory
Initializes the map structures
- randomizeParameters(DifferentiableRF) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MultipleIntentionsMLIRL
- randomizeParameters(double[]) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MultipleIntentionsMLIRL
Randomizes parameters in the given vector between -1 and 1.
- RandomPolicy - Class in burlap.behavior.policy
A uniform random policy for single agent domains.
- RandomPolicy(SADomain) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.policy.RandomPolicy
Initializes by copying all the primitive actions references defined for the domain into an internal action
list for this policy.
- RandomPolicy(List<ActionType>) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.policy.RandomPolicy
Initializes by copying all the actions references defined in the provided list into an internal action
list for this policy.
- RandomSGAgent - Class in burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents
Stochastic games agent that chooses actions uniformly randomly.
- RandomSGAgent() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.RandomSGAgent
- randomSideStateGenerator() - Static method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.pomdp.tiger.TigerDomain
Returns a
that 50% of the time generates an hidden tiger state with the tiger on the
left side, and 50% time on the right.
- randomSideStateGenerator(double) - Static method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.pomdp.tiger.TigerDomain
Returns a
that some of the of the time generates an hidden tiger state with the tiger on the
left side, and others on the right.
- RandomStartStateGenerator - Class in burlap.mdp.auxiliary.common
This class will return a random state from a set of states that are reachable from a source seed state.
- RandomStartStateGenerator(SADomain, State) - Constructor for class burlap.mdp.auxiliary.common.RandomStartStateGenerator
Will discover the reachable states from which to randomly select.
- RandomStartStateGenerator(SADomain, State, HashableStateFactory) - Constructor for class burlap.mdp.auxiliary.common.RandomStartStateGenerator
Will discover reachable states from which to randomly select.
- RBF - Class in burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf
A class for defining radial basis functions for states represented with a double array.
- RBF(double[], DistanceMetric) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf.RBF
- RBFFeatures - Class in burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf
A feature database of RBF units that can be used for linear value function approximation.
- RBFFeatures(DenseStateFeatures, boolean) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf.RBFFeatures
Initializes with an empty list of RBF units.
- rbfs - Variable in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf.RBFFeatures
The list of RBF units in this database
- read(String) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.Episode
Reads an episode that was written to a file and turns into an EpisodeAnalysis object.
- read(String) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.GameEpisode
Reads a game that was written to a file and turns into a
- read() - Method in class burlap.shell.visual.TextAreaStreams.TextIn
- readEpisodes(String) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.Episode
Takes a path to a directory containing .episode files and reads them all into a
- recCommand - Variable in class burlap.shell.command.env.EpisodeRecordingCommands
- receiveInput(String) - Method in class burlap.shell.visual.TextAreaStreams
Adds data to the InputStream
- recomputeReachableStates() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableVI
- recomputeReachableStates() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.policyiteration.PolicyIteration
- recomputeReachableStates() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.valueiteration.ValueIteration
- RecordCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.env.EpisodeRecordingCommands.RecordCommand
- recordedLast - Variable in class burlap.shell.command.env.EpisodeRecordingCommands
- recording - Variable in class burlap.shell.command.env.EpisodeRecordingCommands
- referencesSuccessor(UCTStateNode) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.montecarlo.uct.UCTActionNode
Returns whether this action node has a observed a given successor state node in the past
- ReflectiveHashableStateFactory - Class in burlap.statehashing
A HashableState factory to use when the source
objects by default implement the
- ReflectiveHashableStateFactory() - Constructor for class burlap.statehashing.ReflectiveHashableStateFactory
- refreshPriority(T) - Method in class burlap.datastructures.HashIndexedHeap
Calling this method indicates that the priority of the object passed to the method has been modified and that this heap needs to reorder its elements
as a result
- regCommand - Variable in class burlap.shell.command.world.ManualAgentsCommands
- RegisterAgentCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.world.ManualAgentsCommands.RegisterAgentCommand
- remove(int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData
- remove(T) - Method in class burlap.datastructures.StochasticTree
Removes the given element from the tree.
- removeAction(String) - Method in class burlap.behavior.policy.RandomPolicy
Removes an action from consideration.
- removeAlias(String) - Method in class burlap.shell.BurlapShell
- removeAttributeMasks(Object...) - Method in class burlap.statehashing.masked.MaskedConfig
Removes variable masks.
- removeAttributeMasks(Object...) - Method in class burlap.statehashing.masked.MaskedHashableStateFactory
Removes variable masks.
- removeCommand(String) - Method in class burlap.shell.BurlapShell
- removeEdge(int, int, int) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphDefinedDomain
Removes a given edge from the transition dynamics.
- removeHelper(StochasticTree<T>.STNode) - Method in class burlap.datastructures.StochasticTree
A recursive method for removing a node
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blockdude.state.BlockDudeState
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blocksworld.BlocksWorldState
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.state.FrostbiteState
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.state.GridWorldState
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.state.LLState
- removeObject(String) - Method in class burlap.mdp.core.oo.state.generic.GenericOOState
- removeObject(String) - Method in interface burlap.mdp.core.oo.state.MutableOOState
Removes the object instance with the name oname from this state.
- removeObjectClassMasks(String...) - Method in class burlap.statehashing.masked.MaskedConfig
Removes masks for OO-MDP object classes
- removeObjectClassMasks(String...) - Method in class burlap.statehashing.masked.MaskedHashableStateFactory
Removes masks for OO-MDP object classes
- removeObservers(EnvironmentObserver...) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.extensions.EnvironmentServer
- removeObservers(EnvironmentObserver...) - Method in interface burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.extensions.EnvironmentServerInterface
- removeObservers(EnvironmentObserver...) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.SimulatedEnvironment
- removeRenderLayer(int) - Method in class burlap.visualizer.MultiLayerRenderer
Removes the render layer at teh specified position.
- RemoveStateObjectCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.env
- RemoveStateObjectCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.env.RemoveStateObjectCommand
- RemoveStateObjectSGCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.world
- RemoveStateObjectSGCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.world.RemoveStateObjectSGCommand
- removeTerminals(int...) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphTF
Removes nodes as being marked as terminal states
- removeWorldObserver(WorldObserver) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Removes the specified world observer from this world
- removeZeroRows(double[][]) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.CorrelatedEquilibriumSolver
Takes an input 2D double matrix and returns a new matrix will all the all zero rows removed.
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blockdude.state.BlockDudeState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blocksworld.BlocksWorldState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.state.FrostbiteState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.state.GridWorldState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.state.LLState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in class burlap.mdp.core.oo.state.generic.GenericOOState
- renameObject(String, String) - Method in interface burlap.mdp.core.oo.state.MutableOOState
Renames the identifier for object instance o in this state to newName.
- renameObjects(GridWorldState) - Method in class burlap.testing.TestHashing
- render(Graphics2D, float, float) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.PolicyRenderLayer
- render(Graphics2D, float, float) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.ValueFunctionRenderLayer
- render(Graphics2D, float, float) - Method in interface burlap.visualizer.RenderLayer
- render(Graphics2D, float, float) - Method in class burlap.visualizer.StateActionRenderLayer
- render(Graphics2D, float, float) - Method in class burlap.visualizer.StateRenderLayer
- renderAction - Variable in class burlap.visualizer.StateActionRenderLayer
- RenderLayer - Interface in burlap.visualizer
A RenderLayer is a 2 dimensional layer that paints to a provided 2D graphics context.
- renderLayers - Variable in class burlap.visualizer.MultiLayerRenderer
The layers that will be rendered in order from index 0 to n
- renderState - Variable in class burlap.visualizer.StateActionRenderLayer
The current
to render
- renderStateAction(Graphics2D, State, Action, float, float) - Method in class burlap.visualizer.StateActionRenderLayer
Method to be implemented by subclasses that will render the input state-action to the given graphics context.
- renderStyle - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.PolicyGlyphPainter2D
The render style to use
- renderValueString - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.StateValuePainter2D
Whether the numeric string for the value of the state should be rendered in its cell or not.
- repaintOnActionInitiation - Variable in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.VisualActionObserver
- repaintStateOnEnvironmentInteraction - Variable in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.VisualActionObserver
- replayGame(GameEpisode) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.common.VisualWorldObserver
Causes the visualizer to be replayed for the given
- request - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MLIRL
The MLRIL request defining the IRL problem.
- request - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MultipleIntentionsMLIRL
The source problem request defining the problem to be solved.
- requireMarkov - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.model.BFSMarkovOptionModel
- rerunVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.modelplanners.VIModelLearningPlanner
Reruns VI on the new updated model.
- rescale(double, double) - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.ColorBlend
Tells this object the minimum value and the maximum value it can receive.
- rescale(double, double) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.LandmarkColorBlendInterpolation
- rescale(double, double) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.StateValuePainter2D
- rescale(double, double) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.StateValuePainter
Used to tell this painter that it should render state values so that the minimum possible value is lowerValue and the maximum is upperValue.
- rescaleRect(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.PolicyGlyphPainter2D
Takes in a rectangle specification and scales it equally along each direction by a scale factor.
- reserved - Variable in class burlap.shell.BurlapShell
- resetAvgs() - Method in class burlap.debugtools.MyTimer
Resets to zero the average and total time recorded over all start-stop calls.
- resetData() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.actor.BoltzmannActor
- resetData() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.Actor
Used to reset any data that was created/modified during learning so that learning can be begin anew.
- resetData() - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.Critic
Used to reset any data that was created/modified during learning so that learning can be begin anew.
- resetData() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.critics.TDLambda
- resetData() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.critics.TimeIndexedTDLambda
- resetDecay() - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.fourier.FourierBasisLearningRateWrapper
- resetDecay() - Method in class burlap.behavior.learningrate.ConstantLR
- resetDecay() - Method in class burlap.behavior.learningrate.ExponentialDecayLR
- resetDecay() - Method in interface burlap.behavior.learningrate.LearningRate
Causes any learnign rate decay to reset to where it started.
- resetDecay() - Method in class burlap.behavior.learningrate.SoftTimeInverseDecayLR
- ResetEnvCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.env
- ResetEnvCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.env.ResetEnvCommand
- resetEnvironment() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgent
- resetEnvironment() - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.interfacing.singleagent.LearningAgentToSGAgentInterface
- resetEnvironment() - Method in interface burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment
Resets this environment to some initial state, if the functionality exists.
- resetEnvironment() - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.extensions.EnvironmentServer
- resetEnvironment() - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.SimulatedEnvironment
- resetEnvironment() - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.pomdp.SimulatedPOEnvironment
- resetMatchSelections() - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.tournament.common.AllPairWiseSameTypeMS
- resetMatchSelections() - Method in interface burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.tournament.MatchSelector
- resetModel() - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.LearnedModel
Resets the model data so that learning can begin anew.
- resetModel() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.models.TabularModel
- resetModel() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.RMaxModel
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.DenseLinearVFA
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.DenseStateActionLinearVFA
- resetParameters() - Method in interface burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.ParametricFunction
Resets the parameters of this function to default values.
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.sparse.LinearVFA
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.commonrfs.LinearStateActionDifferentiableRF
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.commonrfs.LinearStateDifferentiableRF
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DiffVFRF
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearDiffRFVInit
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearStateDiffVF
- resetParameters() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.VanillaDiffVinit
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableDP
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableVI
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.ActorCritic
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.critics.TDLambda
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.LSPI
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.artdp.ARTDP
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.PotentialShapedRMax
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.QLearning
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.vfa.GradientDescentSarsaLam
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.MDPSolver
- resetSolver() - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.MDPSolverInterface
This method resets all solver results so that a solver can be restarted fresh
as if had never solved the MDP.
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DeterministicPlanner
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.DynamicProgramming
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.montecarlo.uct.UCT
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.policyiteration.PolicyIteration
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.sparsesampling.SparseSampling
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.valueiteration.ValueIteration
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.vfa.fittedvi.FittedVI
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.pomdp.qmdp.QMDP
- resetSolver() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.pomdp.wrappedmdpalgs.BeliefSparseSampling
- resetTournamentReward() - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.tournament.Tournament
Reset the cumulative reward received by each agent in this tournament.
- resolveCollisions(List<GridGameStandardMechanics.Location2>, List<GridGameStandardMechanics.Location2>) - Method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.gridgame.GridGameStandardMechanics
Resolves collisions that occur when two or more agents try to enter the same cell, in which case only one
agent will make it into the position and the rest will stay in place
- resolveCommand(String) - Method in class burlap.shell.BurlapShell
- resolvePositionSwaps(List<GridGameStandardMechanics.Location2>, List<GridGameStandardMechanics.Location2>) - Method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.gridgame.GridGameStandardMechanics
Returns the position of each agent after accounting for collisions that are a result of agents
trying to move into each others previous locations.
- responseFor(double[]) - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf.functions.GaussianRBF
- responseFor(double[]) - Method in class burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.rbf.RBF
Returns the RBF response from its center state to the query input state.
- returnCode - Variable in class burlap.shell.ShellObserver.ShellCommandEvent
The return code of the command.
- reverseEnumerate - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.StateEnumerator
The reverse enumeration id to state map
- reward(int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.Episode
Returns the reward received at timestep t.
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.commonrfs.LinearStateActionDifferentiableRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.commonrfs.LinearStateDifferentiableRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DiffVFRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearDiffRFVInit
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.shaping.ShapedRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.CartPoleDomain.CartPoleRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.InvertedPendulum.InvertedPendulumRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphRF
- reward(int, int, int) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphRF
Returns the reward for taking action a in state node s and transition to state node sprime.
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.LunarLanderRF
- reward(State, JointAction, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.gridgame.GridGame.GGJointRewardFunction
- reward(State, JointAction, State) - Method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.normalform.SingleStageNormalFormGame.SingleStageNormalFormJointRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.GoalBasedRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.NullRewardFunction
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.SingleGoalPFRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.common.UniformCostRF
- reward(State, Action, State) - Method in interface burlap.mdp.singleagent.model.RewardFunction
Returns the reward received when action a is executed in state s and the agent transitions to state sprime.
- reward(State, JointAction, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.common.NullJointRewardFunction
- reward(State, JointAction, State) - Method in interface burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model.JointRewardFunction
Returns the reward received by each agent specified in the joint action.
- RewardCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.env
- RewardCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.env.RewardCommand
- rewardFunction - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.CustomRewardModel
- rewardFunction() - Method in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.model.FactoredModel
- RewardFunction - Interface in burlap.mdp.singleagent.model
Defines the reward function for a task.
- rewardFunction() - Method in interface burlap.mdp.singleagent.model.TaskFactoredModel
- rewardMatrix - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldRewardFunction
- rewardRange - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.rlglue.RLGlueEnvironment
The reward function value range
- RewardsCommand - Class in burlap.shell.command.world
- RewardsCommand() - Constructor for class burlap.shell.command.world.RewardsCommand
- rewardSequence - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.Episode
The sequence of rewards received.
- RewardValueProjection - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo
- RewardValueProjection(RewardFunction) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.RewardValueProjection
Initializes for the given
assuming that it only depends on the destination state.
- RewardValueProjection(RewardFunction, RewardValueProjection.RewardProjectionType) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.RewardValueProjection
- RewardValueProjection(RewardFunction, RewardValueProjection.RewardProjectionType, SADomain) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.RewardValueProjection
- RewardValueProjection.CustomRewardNoTermModel - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo
- RewardValueProjection.RewardProjectionType - Enum in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo
- rf - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableDP
The differentiable RF
- rf - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling
- rf - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.VanillaDiffVinit
The differentiable reward function that defines the parameter space over which this value function
initialization must differentiate.
- rf - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.MLIRLRequest
The differentiable reward function model that will be estimated by MLRIL.
- rf - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.RewardValueProjection
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blockdude.BlockDude
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blocksworld.BlocksWorld
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.CartPoleDomain
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.InvertedPendulum
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteDomain
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.graphdefined.GraphDefinedDomain
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldDomain
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.LunarLanderDomain
- rf - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.mountaincar.MountainCar
- rf - Variable in class burlap.mdp.singleagent.model.FactoredModel
- rfDim - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling
The dimensionality of the differentiable reward function
- rfDim - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearDiffRFVInit
The dimensionality of the reward function parameters
- rfFeaturesAreForNextState - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearDiffRFVInit
Whether features are based on the next state or previous state.
- rfFvGen - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.LinearDiffRFVInit
The state feature vector generator.
- right - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.state.LLBlock
- RLGLueAction(int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueDomain.RLGlueActionType.RLGLueAction
- RLGlueActionType(Domain, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueDomain.RLGlueActionType
- RLGlueAgent - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
An RLGlue Agent that is implemented as a BURLAP
, so that
any BURLAP RL agent can control the RLGlue agent.
- RLGlueAgent() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgent
- RLGlueAgent.MutableInt - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
A mutable int wrapper
- RLGlueAgent.StateReference - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
A wrapper that maintains a reference to a
or null.
- RLGlueDomain - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
A class for generating a BURLAP
for an RLGlue
- RLGlueDomain(TaskSpec) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueDomain
- RLGlueDomain.RLGlueActionType - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
that corresponds to an RLGlue action that is defined by a single int value.
- RLGlueDomain.RLGlueActionType.RLGLueAction - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
- RLGlueEnvironment - Class in burlap.domain.singleagent.rlglue
This class can be used to take a BURLAP domain and task with discrete actions and turn it into an RLGlue environment with which other RLGlue agents
can interact.
- RLGlueEnvironment(SADomain, StateGenerator, DenseStateFeatures, DoubleRange[], DoubleRange, boolean, double) - Constructor for class burlap.domain.singleagent.rlglue.RLGlueEnvironment
Constructs with all the BURLAP information necessary for generating an RLGlue Environment.
- rlGlueExperimentFinished - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgent
- rlGlueExperimentFinished() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgent
Returns true if the RLGlue experiment is finished; false otherwise.
- RLGlueState - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
for RLGLue
- RLGlueState() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueState
- RLGlueState(Observation) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueState
- RLGlueState.RLGlueVarKey - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue
- RLGlueVarKey(char, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueState.RLGlueVarKey
- RLGlueVarKey(String) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueState.RLGlueVarKey
- RMaxModel - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax
- RMaxModel(KWIKModel, PotentialFunction, double, List<ActionType>) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.RMaxModel
- RMaxPotential(double, double) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.PotentialShapedRMax.RMaxPotential
Initializes for a given maximum reward and discount factor.
- RMaxPotential(double) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.PotentialShapedRMax.RMaxPotential
Initializes using the given maximum value function value
- rollout(Policy, State, SampleModel) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils
This method will return the an episode that results from following the given policy from state s.
- rollout(Policy, State, SampleModel, int) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils
This method will return the an episode that results from following the given policy from state s.
- rollout(Policy, Environment) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils
- rollout(Policy, Environment, int) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils
- rolloutJointPolicy(JointPolicy, int) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Rollsout a joint policy until a terminate state is reached for a maximum number of stages.
- rolloutJointPolicyFromState(JointPolicy, State, int) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Rollsout a joint policy from a given state until a terminate state is reached for a maximum number of stages.
- rolloutOneStageOfJointPolicy(JointPolicy) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Runs a single stage following a joint policy for the current world state
- rollOutPolicy - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.RTDP
The policy to use for episode rollouts
- rolloutsDecomposeOptions - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils
Indicates whether rollout methods will decompose
selections into the primitive
objects they execute and annotate them with the name
of the calling
in the returned
- root - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.montecarlo.uct.UCT
- root - Variable in class burlap.datastructures.StochasticTree
Root node of the stochastic tree
- rootLevelQValues - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling
The root state node Q-values that have been estimated by previous planning calls.
- rootLevelQValues - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.sparsesampling.SparseSampling
The root state node Q-values that have been estimated by previous planning calls.
- roundNegativesToZero(double[]) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.CorrelatedEquilibriumSolver
Creates a new 1D double array with all negative values rounded to 0.
- rowCol(int, int) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.CorrelatedEquilibriumSolver
Returns the 2D row column index in a matrix of a given number of columns for a given 1D array index.
- rowPayoffs - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.agents.twoplayer.singlestage.equilibriumplayer.EquilibriumPlayingSGAgent.BimatrixTuple
The row player's payoffs.
- RTDP - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp
Implementation of Real-time dynamic programming [1].
- RTDP(SADomain, double, HashableStateFactory, double, int, double, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.RTDP
- RTDP(SADomain, double, HashableStateFactory, ValueFunction, int, double, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.RTDP
- runEpisodeBoundTrial(LearningAgentFactory) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.LearningAlgorithmExperimenter
Runs a trial for an agent generated by the given factory when interpreting trial length as a number of episodes.
- runEpisodewiseTrial(World) - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentExperimenter
Runs a trial where trial length is interpreted as the number of episodes in a trial.
- runGame() - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Runs a game until a terminal state is hit.
- runGame(int) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Runs a game until a terminal state is hit for maxStages have occurred
- runGame(int, State) - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Runs a game starting in the input state until a terminal state is hit.
- runIteration() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.vfa.fittedvi.FittedVI
Runs a single iteration of value iteration.
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.ActorCritic
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.ActorCritic
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.LearningAgent
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.LearningAgent
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.LSPI
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.LSPI
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.artdp.ARTDP
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.artdp.ARTDP
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.PotentialShapedRMax
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.rmax.PotentialShapedRMax
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.QLearning
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.QLearning
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.SarsaLam
- runLearningEpisode(Environment) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.vfa.GradientDescentSarsaLam
- runLearningEpisode(Environment, int) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.tdmethods.vfa.GradientDescentSarsaLam
- runLPAndGetJointActionProbs(LinearProgram, int, int) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.solvers.CorrelatedEquilibriumSolver
Helper method for running the linear program optimization (after its constraints have already been set) and returning
the result in the form of the 2D double matrix joint strategy.
- runPlannerForAllInitStates(Planner, StateConditionTestIterable) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.MultiStatePrePlanner
Runs a planning algorithm from multiple initial states to ensure that an adequate plan/policy exist for of the states.
- runPlannerForAllInitStates(Planner, Collection<State>) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.MultiStatePrePlanner
Runs a planning algorithm from multiple initial states to ensure that an adequate plan/policy exist for of the states.
- runPolicyIteration(int, double) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.LSPI
Runs LSPI for either numIterations or until the change in the weight matrix is no greater than maxChange.
- runRollout(State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.BoundedRTDP
Runs a planning rollout from the provided state.
- runRolloutsInReverse - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.BoundedRTDP
Whether each rollout should be run in reverse after completion.
- runStage() - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.world.World
Runs a single stage of this game.
- runStepBoundTrial(LearningAgentFactory) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.LearningAlgorithmExperimenter
Runs a trial for an agent generated by the given factor when interpreting trial length as a number of total steps.
- runStepwiseTrial(World) - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentExperimenter
Runs a trial where the trial lenght is interpreted as the number of total steps taken.
- runTournament() - Method in class burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.tournament.Tournament
Runs the tournament
- runVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnfromdemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableVI
Runs VI until the specified termination conditions are met.
- runVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.valueiteration.PrioritizedSweeping
- runVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.valueiteration.ValueIteration
Runs VI until the specified termination conditions are met.
- runVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.vfa.fittedvi.FittedVI
Runs value iteration.
- runVI() - Method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.dpplanners.MAValueIteration
Runs Value Iteration over the set of states that have been discovered.