A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


dataset - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.LSPI
The SARS dataset on which LSPI is performed
dataset - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData
The underlying list of SARSData.SARS tuples.
datasets - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentPerformancePlotter.DatasetsAndTrials
The series datasets for this agent
DDPlannerPolicy - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic
This is a dynamic deterministic planner policy, which means if the source deterministic planner has not already computed and cached the plan for a query state, then this policy will first compute a plan using the planner and then return the answer
DDPlannerPolicy() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DDPlannerPolicy
DDPlannerPolicy(DeterministicPlanner) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DDPlannerPolicy
Initializes with the deterministic planner
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.LearningAlgorithmExperimenter
The debug code used for debug printing.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgentShell
Debug code used for printing debug information.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.MLIRL
The debug code used for printing information to the terminal.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.MultipleIntentionsMLIRL
The debug code used for printing information to the terminal.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.OOMDPPlanner
The debug code use for calls to DPrint
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentExperimenter
The debug code used for debug printing.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentPerformancePlotter
The debug code used for debug printing.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.mavaluefunction.vfplanners.MAValueIteration
The debug code used for printing VI progress.
debugCode - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.Domain
debugCodeRFWeights - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearning
debugCodeScore - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearning
DebugFlags - Class in burlap.debugtools
A data structure for specifying debug flags that can be accessed and modified from any class
DebugFlags() - Constructor for class burlap.debugtools.DebugFlags
debugID - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.StateReachability
The debugID used for making calls to DPrint.
debugId - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.tournament.Tournament
debugId - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.World
decayConstantShift - Variable in class burlap.behavior.learningrate.SoftTimeInverseDecayLR
The division scale offset
decayRate - Variable in class burlap.behavior.learningrate.ExponentialDecayLR
The exponential base by which the learning rate is decayed
deepCopyActionNameMapArray(SingleStageNormalFormGame.ActionNameMap[]) - Static method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.normalform.SingleStageNormalFormGame.ActionNameMap
DEFAULT_EPSILON - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearningRequest
DEFAULT_MAXITERATIONS - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearningRequest
DEFAULT_POLICYCOUNT - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearningRequest
DEFAULT_USEMAXMARGIN - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.apprenticeship.ApprenticeshipLearningRequest
DEFAULTBIMATRIXACTIONBASENAME - Static variable in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.normalform.SingleStageNormalFormGame
When this generator is constructed with a generic bimatrix or zero sum definition (SingleStageNormalFormGame.SingleStageNormalFormGame(String[][], double[][][]) or SingleStageNormalFormGame.SingleStageNormalFormGame(String[][]), respectively), action names for each row/column will take the form of: DEFAULTBIMATRIXACTIONBASENAMEi where i is the row/column index.
defaultCost(String, JointAction) - Method in class burlap.domain.stochasticgames.gridgame.GridGame.GGJointRewardFunction
Returns a default cost for an agent assuming the agent didn't transition to a goal state.
DEFAULTHEIGHT - Static variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.macro.MacroCellGridWorld
defaultMultiple - Variable in class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscretizingStateHashFactory
The default multiple to use for any continuous attributes that have not been specifically set.
defaultQ - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.SGNaiveQFactory
The default Q-value to which Q-values will be initialized
defaultReward - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.GoalBasedRF
defaultReward - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.LocalSubgoalRF
Defines the reward returned for transitions to applicable states, but not subgoal states; default -1
defaultReward - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteRF
defaultReward - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.lunarlander.LunarLanderRF
The default reward received for moving through the air
defaultTileWidth - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.common.RLGlueCMACSarsaLambdaFactory
The default tile width to use for unspecified attributes
defaultToLowerValueAfterPlanning - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.rtdp.BoundedRTDP
Sets what the ValueFunctionPlanner valueFunction reference points to (the lower bound or upperbound) once a planning rollout is complete.
defaultWeight - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.common.LinearFVVFA
A default weight value for the functions weights.
defaultWeight - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.common.LinearVFA
A default weight for the functions
DEFAULTWIDTH - Static variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.macro.MacroCellGridWorld
delay - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.PerformancePlotter
the delay in milliseconds between which the charts are updated automatically
delay - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentPerformancePlotter
the delay in milliseconds between which the charts are updated automatically
delta - Static variable in class burlap.testing.TestPlanning
depth - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.stochastic.montecarlo.uct.UCTStateNode
The depth the UCT tree
depthMap - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.informed.astar.DynamicWeightedAStar
Data structure for storing the depth of explored states
DeterminisitcTerminationOption - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.options
An option with a defined policy, initiation state set and termination state set.
DeterminisitcTerminationOption(String, Policy, StateConditionTest, StateConditionTest) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.DeterminisitcTerminationOption
DeterminisitcTerminationOption(String, StateConditionTestIterable, StateConditionTest, OOMDPPlanner, PlannerDerivedPolicy) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.DeterminisitcTerminationOption
Initializes the option by creating the policy uses some provided option.
DeterminisitcTerminationOption(String, StateConditionTest, StateConditionTest, List<State>, OOMDPPlanner, PlannerDerivedPolicy) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.DeterminisitcTerminationOption
Initializes the option by creating the policy uses some provided option.
DeterministicPlanner - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic
This class extends the OOMDPlanner to provide the interface and common mechanisms for classic deterministic forward search planners.
DeterministicPlanner() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DeterministicPlanner
DeterministicPlanner.PlanningFailedException - Exception in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic
Exception class for indicating that a solution failed to be found by the planning algorithm.
DeterministicPlanner.PlanningFailedException() - Constructor for exception burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DeterministicPlanner.PlanningFailedException
deterministicPlannerInit(Domain, RewardFunction, TerminalFunction, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DeterministicPlanner
Initializes the planner.
deterministicTransition(State, String[]) - Method in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.Action
Returns the transition dynamics by assuming the action to be deterministic and wrapping the result of a Action.performAction(burlap.oomdp.core.State, String[]) method with a 1.0 probable TransitionProbability object and inserting it in the returned list.
deterministicTransitionProbsFor(State, JointAction) - Method in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.JointActionModel
A helper method for deterministic transition dynamics.
DFS - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs
Implements depth-first search.
DFS(Domain, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Basic constructor for standard DFS without a depth limit
DFS(Domain, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Basic constructor for standard DFS with a depth limit
DFS(Domain, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory, int, boolean) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Constructor of DFS with specification of depth limit and whether to maintain a closed list that affects exploration.
DFS(Domain, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Constructor of DFS with specification of depth limit, whether to maintain a closed list that affects exploration, and whether paths generated by options should be explored first.
dfs(SearchNode, int, Set<StateHashTuple>) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Runs DFS from a given search node, keeping track of its current depth.
dfs(SearchNode, int, Set<StateHashTuple>) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.LimitedMemoryDFS
Runs DFS from a given search node, keeping track of its current depth.
DFSInit(Domain, TerminalFunction, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.uninformed.dfs.DFS
Constructor of DFS with specification of depth limit, whether to maintain a closed list that affects exploration, and whether paths generated by options should be explored first.
dheight - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.CellPainter
dheight - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.LocationPainter
dheight - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.MapPainter
dheight - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.macro.MacroCellVisualizer.MacroCellRewardWeightPainter
DifferentiableRF - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.support
An abstract class for defining differentiable reward functions.
DifferentiableRF() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.support.DifferentiableRF
DifferentiableSparseSampling - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
A Differentiable finite horizon planner that can also use sparse sampling over the transition dynamics when the transition function is very large or infinite.
DifferentiableSparseSampling(Domain, DifferentiableRF, TerminalFunction, double, StateHashFactory, int, int, double) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling
DifferentiableSparseSampling.DiffStateNode - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
A class for value differentiable state nodes.
DifferentiableSparseSampling.DiffStateNode(StateHashTuple, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling.DiffStateNode
DifferentiableSparseSampling.QAndQGradient - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
A tuple for storing Q-values and their gradients.
DifferentiableSparseSampling.QAndQGradient(List<QValue>, List<QGradientTuple>) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling.QAndQGradient
DifferentiableSparseSampling.QAndQGradient(int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling.QAndQGradient
DifferentiableSparseSampling.VAndVGradient - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
A tuple for storing a state value and its gradient.
DifferentiableSparseSampling.VAndVGradient(double, double[]) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableSparseSampling.VAndVGradient
DifferentiableVFPlanner - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
A class for performing dynamic programming based planning with a differentiable value backup operator.
DifferentiableVFPlanner() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableVFPlanner
DifferentiableVI - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners
Performs Differentiable Value Iteration using the Boltzmann backup operator and a DifferentiableRF.
DifferentiableVI(Domain, DifferentiableRF, TerminalFunction, double, double, StateHashFactory, double, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.DifferentiableVI
Initializes the planner.
DifferentiableVInit - Interface in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit
An interface for value function initialization that is differentiable with respect to some parameters.
DifferentiableVInit.ParamedDiffVInit - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit
A abstract class for DifferentiableVInit that includes a double array of parameters and methods to modify them.
DifferentiableVInit.ParamedDiffVInit() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DifferentiableVInit.ParamedDiffVInit
DiffVFRF - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit
A differentiable reward function wrapper for use with MLIRL when the reward function is known, but the value function initialization for leaf nodes is to be learned.
DiffVFRF(RewardFunction, DifferentiableVInit.ParamedDiffVInit) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DiffVFRF
diffVInit - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DiffVFRF
dim - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.differentiableplanners.diffvinit.DifferentiableVInit.ParamedDiffVInit
The parameter dimensionality
dim - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.mlirl.support.DifferentiableRF
The parameter dimensionality
dim - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.common.FVToFeatureDatabase
The dimensionality of the state features produced by the feature vector generator
dimensionMask - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.cmac.FVTiling
The dimensions on which this tiling are dependent
dir - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.blockdude.BlockDude.MoveAction
directEpisodes - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.EpisodeSequenceVisualizer
directGames - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.GameSequenceVisualizer
direction - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.valuefunctionvis.common.ArrowActionGlyph
The direction of the arrow.0: north; 1: south; 2: east; 3:west
directionProbs - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.frostbite.FrostbiteDomain.MovementAction
Probabilities of the actual direction the agent will go
directionProbs - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldDomain.MovementAction
Probabilities of the actual direction the agent will go
DirectOptionTerminateMapper - Interface in burlap.behavior.singleagent.options
If an option deterministically terminates with a fixed number of steps, then it may be useful for an option to immediately transition from the state in which the option was initiated to the end terminal state, rather than having to simulate each step of execution.
directory - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.explorer.VisualExplorer.SaveEpisodeAction
The directory in which the episodes will be recorded.
DISCATT - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueWrappedDomainGenerator
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.shaping.potential.PotentialShapedRF
The discount factor the MDP (required for this to shaping to preserve policy optimality)
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.maql.MAQLFactory
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.maql.MultiAgentQLearning
The discount factor
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.mavf.MAVFPlannerFactory.MAVIPlannerFactory
The discount factor in [0, 1]
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.history.SGQWActionHistoryFactory
The discount rate the Q-learning algorithm will use
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.SGNaiveQFactory
The discount rate the Q-learning algorithm will use
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.SGNaiveQLAgent
The discount factor
discount - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.mavaluefunction.MAValueFunctionPlanner
The discount factor in [0, 1]
discount - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueEnvironment
The discount factor of the task
discountFactor - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.options.Option
discount factor of the MDP in which this option will be applied
DISCRETECLASS - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueWrappedDomainGenerator
DiscreteMaskHashingFactory - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
Like the DiscreteStateHashFactory (which this class extends) this class computes unique hash codes for states based on attributes that the client specifies to use.
DiscreteMaskHashingFactory() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteMaskHashingFactory
Initializes this hashing factory to compute hash codes and equality checks with all attributes of all object classes.
DiscreteMaskHashingFactory(Map<String, List<Attribute>>) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteMaskHashingFactory
Initializes this hashing factory to hash and equality check on only the attributes for the specified classes in the provided map
DiscreteMaskHashingFactory.DiscreteMaskHashTuple - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
DiscreteMaskHashingFactory.DiscreteMaskHashTuple(State) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteMaskHashingFactory.DiscreteMaskHashTuple
DiscreteStateHashFactory - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
This hash factory will producing hash codes that are unique for discrete OO-MDP domains.
DiscreteStateHashFactory() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteStateHashFactory
Initializes this hashing factory to compute hash codes with all attributes of all object classes.
DiscreteStateHashFactory(Map<String, List<Attribute>>) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteStateHashFactory
Initializes this hashing factory to hash on only the attributes for the specified classes in the provided map
DiscreteStateHashFactory.DiscreteStateHashTuple - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
DiscreteStateHashFactory.DiscreteStateHashTuple(State) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscreteStateHashFactory.DiscreteStateHashTuple
DiscreteValue - Class in burlap.oomdp.core.values
A discrete value subclass in which discrete values are stored as int values.
DiscreteValue(Attribute) - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DiscreteValue
Initializes this value to be an assignment for Attribute attribute.
DiscreteValue(Value) - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DiscreteValue
Initializes this value as a copy from the source Value object v.
DiscretizingStateHashFactory - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
This hashing factory is used for comparing states with continuous attributes as if they were discretized, thereby allowing discrete state planning/learning algorithms to be used on domains with continuous attributes.
DiscretizingStateHashFactory() - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscretizingStateHashFactory
DiscretizingStateHashFactory(double) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscretizingStateHashFactory
Initializes with a specified default multiple to use for discretization.
DiscretizingStateHashFactory.DiscretizedStateHashTuple - Class in burlap.behavior.statehashing
The StateHashTuple that is generated by objects of the DiscretizingStateHashFactory class.
DiscretizingStateHashFactory.DiscretizedStateHashTuple(State) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.statehashing.DiscretizingStateHashFactory.DiscretizedStateHashTuple
discVal - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DiscreteValue
The discrete value stored as an integer.
discValues - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.Attribute
The possible categorical values for a discrete or boolean attribute.
discValuesHash - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.Attribute
maps categorical names of discrete values to int values
displayPlots - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.LearningAlgorithmExperimenter
Whether the performance should be visually plotted (by default they will)
displayPlots - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.auxiliary.performance.MultiAgentExperimenter
Whether the performance should be visually plotted (by default they will)
distance(State, State) - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.rbf.DistanceMetric
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in interface burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.rbf.FVDistanceMetric
Returns the distance between state s0 and state s1.
distance(State, State) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.rbf.metrics.EuclideanDistance
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.rbf.metrics.FVEuclideanDistance
DistanceMetric - Interface in burlap.behavior.singleagent.vfa.rbf
An interface for defining distant metrics between OO-MDP State objects.
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.performance.LearningAlgorithmExperimenter
The domain in which the agents will be tested.
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.auxiliary.StateEnumerator
The domain whose states will be enumerated
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.EpisodeSequenceVisualizer
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgentShell
The BURLAP domain that wraps the RLGlue environment
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueWrappedDomainGenerator
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learnbydemo.IRLRequest
The domain in which IRL is to be performed
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.actorcritic.actor.BoltzmannActor
The domain in which this agent will act
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.modelplanners.VIModelPlanner
the model domain
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.OOMDPPlanner
The domain in which planning will be performed
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.maql.MAQLFactory
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.mavf.MAVFPlanAgentFactory
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.mavf.MAVFPlannerFactory.MAVIPlannerFactory
The domain in which planning is to be performed
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.history.ParameterNaiveActionIdMap
The domain for which the action values should be created.
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.history.SGQWActionHistoryFactory
The stochastic games domain in which the agent will act
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.naiveq.SGNaiveQFactory
The stochastic games domain in which the agent will act
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.SetStrategyAgent.SetStrategyAgentFactory
The domain in which the agent will play
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.twoplayer.repeatedsinglestage.GrimTrigger.GrimTriggerAgentFactory
The domain in which the agent will play
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.twoplayer.repeatedsinglestage.TitForTat.TitForTatAgentFactory
The domain in which the agent will play
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.GameSequenceVisualizer
domain - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.mavaluefunction.MAValueFunctionPlanner
The domain in which planning is to be performed
domain - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.CartPoleStateParser
The domain to which created state object created in the CartPoleStateParser.stringToState(String) method will be associated.
domain - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.cartpole.InvertedPendulumStateParser
The domain to which the returned state created by the method InvertedPendulumStateParser.stringToState(String) will belong.
domain - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldStateParser
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.auxiliary.common.StateJSONParser
The domain holding the object class definitions that states represented in JSON strings will be converted to.
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.auxiliary.common.StateYAMLParser
The domain holding the object class definitions that states represented in yaml strings will be converted to.
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.auxiliary.common.UniversalStateParser
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.Attribute
domain that holds this attribute
Domain - Class in burlap.oomdp.core
This is the base class for an OO-MDP/OO-SG domain.
Domain() - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.core.Domain
Initializes the data structures for indexing the object classes, attributes, and propositional functions
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.ObjectClass
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.PropositionalFunction
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.Action
The domain with which this action is associated
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.common.VisualActionObserver
The domain this visualizer is rendering
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.explorer.TerminalExplorer
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.explorer.VisualExplorer
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueEnvironment
The BURLAP domain
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.Agent
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.common.VisualWorldObserver
The domain this visualizer is rendering
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.explorers.SGTerminalExplorer
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.SingleAction
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.tournament.common.ConstantWorldGenerator
domain - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.stochasticgames.World
DomainEnvironmentWrapper - Class in burlap.oomdp.singleagent.environment
If a problem is best described by an Environment class, this domain wrapper takes a domain object that specifies the state representation and action set, and creates a new domain object in which actions of the same name and parameterization will make calls to the provided Environment class and wait for it to return the resulting state before returning themselves.
DomainEnvironmentWrapper(Domain, Environment) - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.singleagent.environment.DomainEnvironmentWrapper
Initializes this class with the source domain used by an environment object
domainGenerator - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.interfaces.rlglue.RLGlueAgentShell
The BURLAP domain generator which can take as input an RLGlue task spec and produce a corresponding domain.
DomainGenerator - Interface in burlap.oomdp.auxiliary
This class provides a simple interface for constructing domains, but it is not required to create domains.
DomainMappedPolicy - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning
In model learning, it is not uncommon to have a modeled domain object with its own actions that are distinct from the actual action objects in the world.
DomainMappedPolicy(Domain, Policy) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.modellearning.DomainMappedPolicy
domainWrapper - Variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.interfacing.singleagent.SGToSADomain
The singel agent domain object that will be returned
dot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.solvers.GeneralBimatrixSolverTools
Returns the dot product of two vectors
doubleArray - Variable in class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DoubleArrayValue
DoubleArrayValue - Class in burlap.oomdp.core.values
This class implements an attribute value that is defined with a double array.
DoubleArrayValue(Attribute) - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DoubleArrayValue
DoubleArrayValue(Value) - Constructor for class burlap.oomdp.core.values.DoubleArrayValue
doubleEpislon - Static variable in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.twoplayer.singlestage.equilibriumplayer.BimatrixEquilibriumSolver
The epislon difference used to test for double equality.
doubleEquality(double, double) - Static method in class burlap.behavior.stochasticgame.agents.twoplayer.singlestage.equilibriumplayer.BimatrixEquilibriumSolver
Returns true if |a - b| < BimatrixEquilibriumSolver.doubleEpislon; false otherwise.
dp - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.DDPlannerPolicy
dp - Variable in class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.SDPlannerPolicy
DPrint - Class in burlap.debugtools
A class for managing debug print statements.
DPrint() - Constructor for class burlap.debugtools.DPrint
dwidth - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.CellPainter
dwidth - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.LocationPainter
dwidth - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.GridWorldVisualizer.MapPainter
dwidth - Variable in class burlap.domain.singleagent.gridworld.macro.MacroCellVisualizer.MacroCellRewardWeightPainter
DynamicWeightedAStar - Class in burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.informed.astar
Dynamic Weighted A* [1] uses a dynamic heuristic weight that is based on depth of the current search tree and based on an expected depth of the search.
DynamicWeightedAStar(Domain, RewardFunction, StateConditionTest, StateHashFactory, Heuristic, double, int) - Constructor for class burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.deterministic.informed.astar.DynamicWeightedAStar
Initializes the planner.